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How To Attach a Headboard in a Few Easy Steps

How To Attach a Headboard in a Few Easy Steps Many customers ask what's the best way to attach a headboard? Is it better to attach it to an existing bed frame? Is it better to attach the headboard to the wall? The answer to the question typically depends on your preference.  BedBoards Design Co. doesn't sell bed frames so we thought we'd create this guide to address these frequently asked questions.  Why attach a headboard to a bed frame? Attaching to bed frames makes for a sturdy, secured headboard so the headboard doesn't move around, especially if you have hardwood floors in your bedroom. If the custom headboard you purchased includes legs, which are most common, then it's meant to be attached...

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A Guide for Selecting Headboards

A Guide for Selecting Headboards The best way to improve your bedroom both aesthetically and with additional comfort and functionality, is to get a new headboard for your bed. The first step in selecting a new headboard is figuring out the role you want your headboard to play in the room, and the design that best suits your space. This article provides you with a simple guide to select the best headboard for you: Visual aesthetics: Since the bed is the centerpiece of visual focus in a bedroom your headboard accentuates the focal point of the room. It can be used to set the theme for the room and build further upon the room's design. As a result, you want to make...

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Top 5 Ways to Maintain Your Headboard

Top 5 Ways to Maintain Your Headboard Given the prominent role which a custom headboard plays in a room, it is important to make sure that it is cleaned and maintained in order to keep it neat and long lasting. The following are the five main ways to maintain your headboard.   The first step to ensuring that the headboard is protected from harm that could come as a result of dirt, oil, liquid, etc is to use a high quality, durable fabric.  Before the headboard is installed to the bed frame, use a fabric protector solution to repel stains. You can ask us for the best fabric protector products, but we typically recommend Vectra and is easiest to buy on...

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The Power To Choose

The Power To Choose One of the great things about ordering online is that you can get something just the way you like it. Finding a headboard in the right shape, size, and feature can be difficult if you have a specific vision for your headboard in mind. BedBoards Design Company has many ways that you can customize your headboard. Standard options First, we have many different styles of fabrics available to choose from, both linens and canvas, as well as leather coverings for your headboard. Because there are millions of upholstery fabric to choose from, and fabric choices can be subjective, we also offer the option to provide your own fabric. All of our headboards have the option to...

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